The Greater Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce is the largest business association in Elizabeth and surrounding towns and is your ally in representing and advancing your business interests. Our Chamber is the conduit that channels your interests to the opinion leaders and policy makers in the community.

,Our “Legislative Action” promotes Government actions beneficial to business. We partner with the Employers Legislative Committee (ELC) the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) and other influential organizations to inform, educate and provide guidance on policies and programs that affect your business.
Our “Business Recruitment” works with the City of Elizabeth, Elizabeth Development Company, UCEDC, State and Federal Agencies to coordinate development efforts needed to attract new businesses to our area.
Our Chamber is able to actively engage individuals, businesses, and communities in Union, Middlesex, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, and Somerset Counties, and our Membership even extends beyond these borders.
If you are doing business in the Greater Elizabeth Area and want to succeed you should be involved in the Greater Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce. You will soon discover that membership and participation in the Chamber is a high-value investment in the future success of your business!
Click here to learn more about our board members.