"Your One Source To Eliminating Credit Card Processing Fees."
What Is The Cash Discount Program?
The Cash Discount Program is a way for you as a merchant to offset most of your current merchant processing fees without increasing your overall prices.
Cash Discount is a method of implementing a service charge to all customers while giving a discount to those who pay with cash.
With the Cash Discount program, your posted prices will become the same as the prices for those who pay with cash. Customers who pay with cash will avoid the service charge, and all other customers will see a line item added to their receipt showing the service fee.
Our licensed technology allows this to happen and keeps you within the guidelines of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and processor regulations. CLICK HERE to read more on the One Source Merchant Solutions website.
For more information, contact our office today! (908) 355-7600 | info@elizabethchamber.com